Now JCMC will be bimonthly from Feb 2025


Happy New Year 2025


Greetings to readers, authors, reviewers, editorial team, and all who helped directly or indirectly for the JCMC.


The JCMC hopes to continue providing quality services in the research, writing, and publication ecosystem. For such, we will be publishing bi-monthly, that is six issues a year, from February 2025. This will decrease the waiting time for authors and help disseminate the research findings without much longer lag time. We hope authors will comply with the guidelines and provide timely revisions to meet the timeline for bi-monthly publications.


Thank you all for your continuous support and suggestions. We are continuing with the revised layout and added of the Jul-Sep 2024 issue, based on revised Author guidelines JCMC revised oct 2024, Authorship declaration form JCMC Oct2024, Original article template (and for other categories), the hyperlinking for listed references Adding and hyperlinking URL, DOI, etc. to reference list. These modification will enhance the readability and contribute to the scientific rigour of the publication, in compliance with the important guidelines from ICMJE, COPE, and WAME, etc.


For the complete submission, use font Calibri size 11 throughout, remove comment boxes from template before submission, and during online submission please fill in metadata- name, email, orcid, biography, affiliation for all each authors as per authorship declaration form.


Checklist for a publication, mandatory documents

  1. Authorship declaration form JCMC Oct 2024 (authors email, ORCID (visit if you do not already have it), telephone, and signatures; contribution, COI, copyright transfer, and other declaration)
  2. Manuscript (as per template like Original article template , Original article blinded de-identified template Case-report template,   Review article template, Viewpoint template)
  1. Institutional Review Committee (IRC) approval letter (or consent letter for case report)
  2. Supplementary files, if necessary.


Also visit JCMC site for details


We thank you for being with JCMC.


Prof. Dr. Jay N Shah, HOD Dept of Surgery, Chair Research Management Cell CMC

Editor in Chief, Journal of Chitwan Medical College, Nepal