Clinical evaluation of hearing loss in type 2 diabetes mellitus: A prospective observational study




Background: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is associated with many consequences because of chronic hyperglycemia, including hearing impairment due to damage to small blood vessels and nerves in the auditory system. This study aims to assess the grade of hearing loss in patients with Type 2 DM.

Method: A prospective observational study was conducted at KISTMCTH from Dec 2022 to Jun 2023. Ninety-five patients with Type 2 DM who consented were included. Ethical approval was obtained. Patients with mental illness, family deafness history, noise exposure, and ototoxic medication were excluded. Routine ENT examinations, audiological and blood sugar evaluations were done. Hearing loss was classified according to WHO grading. Data analysis was done using SPSS, Pearson’s correlation and Fischer’s exact test to assess links between diabetes duration, glycaemic control, and hearing loss (p<0.05).

Result: Out of 95 DM 2 patients, mean age 52.5±9.6 years, most were of 51–60 years (35.8%), mainly females (58.9%). Hearing loss was observed in 63(66.3%).  Hearing loss increased with duration of DM. Sensorineural Hearing loss (85.3%) was observed in patients with DM of >10 years. Hearing loss (91%) was observed in patients with poor glycaemic control (HbA1c >7). A significant correlation between hearing loss, glycaemic control, and duration of DM was found (p<0.001).

Conclusion: The study showed that patients with DM had hearing loss which was mainly of SNHL. The severity of hearing loss was associated with duration and glycaemic control of DM.

Author Biographies

  • Abishesh Shakya, KISTMCTH, Nepal

    Lecturer, ENT-HNS

  • Sangita Regmi Chalise, KISTMCTH, Nepal

    Professor, ENT-HNS

  • Suman Simkhada, KISTMCTH, Nepal

    Lecturer, ENT-HNS

  • Jeegyasha Thapa, KISTMCTH, Nepal

    Lecturer, ENT-HNS

  • Subhash Khadka, Everest hospital, Ktm, Nepal

    Consultant, ENT

  • Rishi Bhatta, KISTMCTH, Nepal

    Associate Professor, ENT-HNS

  • Ashish Khadgi, KISTMCTH, Nepal

    Lecturer, ENT-HNS

  • Binay Kumar, KISTMCTH, Nepal

    Audiologist, ENT-HNS

  • Ramesh Parajuli, Department of ENT-HNS, CMC, Nepal

    Associate Professor, ENT-HNS

  • Sujyoti Shakya, Nepal Health Research and Innovation Foundation

    Pharmacist in Department of Pharmaceutical and Health Service Research






Original Articles

How to Cite

Clinical evaluation of hearing loss in type 2 diabetes mellitus: A prospective observational study. JCMC [Internet]. 2024 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 15];14(4):34-41. Available from: